Phenotypic diversity of indigenous goat (Capra hircus L.) in Dire Dawa Administration, Ethiopia


  • Shumate Kebede Biology Department, College of Natural and Computational Science, Dire Dawa University
  • Sewnet Mengistu School of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Haramaya University
  • Zakaria Yusuf School of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Haramaya University
  • Legesse Tadesse Biology Department, College of Natural and Computational Science, Dire Dawa University
  • Mohammed Kasso Biology Department, College of Natural and Computational Science, Dire Dawa University



Correlation, Dire Dawa Administration, indigenous goat, multivariate analysis, qualitative, quantitative


Ethiopia has about 52.5 million goats, mostly local breed and hence the characterisation of these populations is crucial in providing information on goat types and feature improvement programs. This study assessed the phenotypic diversity of indigenous goats in Dire Dawa Administration, with the objective of describing the morphological characterization of the indigenous goat breed. Data were, collected from 384 goats using purposive and stratified random sampling techniques to select two clustered each contained two Kebeles and farmers goat in the study area, respectively. Qualitative traits data were collected by field visual observation whereas, quantitative traits were measured by plastic tape and suspended spring balance. The age of the animal was estimated by recall and dentition methods. Multivariate analytical technique (Principal Component Analysis) and the General Linear Model procedures of Statistical Analysis System were used for statistical analysis.The genetic and phenotypic correlations were used for trait selection. The result indicated that smooth coat hair type (82.8%), white coat color alone (28.5%) and its mixture with red (23.9%), and red coat colors alone (21.6%) predominantly observed in both study area of agro-ecologies. Majority of total goats found the study area were beardless (81.6%) and (80.1%) for lowland and highland, respectively. The greater number of goat populations were horned (90.9%) and majority of these horned goats had curved horn shape (39.3%) with horizontal ear shape (46.1%) in midland and in lowland study areas. Agro- ecological location, age, and sex significantly influenced body weight and body measurements. Three principal components were extracted for all the breeds found in pooled data. The finding showed that the majority of goats were dairy types. The result showed that a considerable variability was sufficient to differentiate phenotypically diverse groups in the local goat populations of lowland and midland agroecologies. The majority of goats were dairy types that may possess adaptive features for sustainable genetic improvement potential to assist in food security and sustainable utilization. To utilize this resources sufficient and integrated information at molecular level is also important in the future.




How to Cite

Kebede, S.; Mengistu, S.; Yusuf, Z.; Tadesse, L.; Kasso, M. Phenotypic Diversity of Indigenous Goat (Capra Hircus L.) in Dire Dawa Administration, Ethiopia. Harla J. Appl. Sci. Mater. 2023, 2, 1-24.


