Exotic plantation and land modification impact on small mammals of Chilalo-Galama Mountains range of Arsi Mountains National Park


  • Mohammed Kasso Geda Department of Biology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
  • Afework Bekele Department of Zoological Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Leonid A. Lavrenchenko A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow, Russia


Arsi Mountains National Park, Chilalo-Galama Mountains Range, Conservation, exotic plantation, small mammals


The investigation was carried out on Chilalo-Galama Mountains Range from September 2013 to December 2016. The main objective of this research was to make a survey on the impacts of artificial plantation of exotic species on small mammals’ richness and abundance. Data was collected on small mammals’diversity,relativeabundance,habitatassociationandpreference. Basedonthedifferenttype of plantation and its nearby natural vegetation five representative habitats namely Agricultural land, Erica forest, Erica scrub, Montane forest, and Plantation were selected. A 5x5 Sherman Live trapping grid with 15 m spacing was employed for three consecutive days in the selected grids. The traps were baited by peanut butter and checked twice a day early in the morning and late afternoon. Basic morphometric information of the captured small mammals was gathered. All live trapped animals were marked and released in the site with the exception of the selected representative sacrificed individuals after their species identification. The plantation of exotic species impact on small mammals was analyzed based on the species richness and relative abundance of small mammals in compares with the nearby natural habitat. A total of 13 small mammals belonging to order Rodentia (10 species) and order Philodotyphylla (2 species) were recorded, at least 55.56% were endemic to Ethiopia. Species richness in young plantation with mixed natural habitat and modified habitat had more number of species than the nearby natural habitats. However, the species richness and the relative abundance (18) in older plantation were lower than the nearby natural habitat (107). Artificial plantations with exotic species were significantly affecting the abundance, diversity of small mammal. Hence the regulation and control of the artificial plantation with exotic species practice in protected area had a significant contribution for small mammal conservation and management of their natural habitat.




How to Cite

Geda, M. K.; Bekele, A.; Lavrenchenko, L. A. Exotic Plantation and Land Modification Impact on Small Mammals of Chilalo-Galama Mountains Range of Arsi Mountains National Park. Harla J. Appl. Sci. Mater. 2022, 1, 19-31.


